Prof. OKORO, C.B
Head of Department

Welcome to the Department of Philosophy

Established in 1966, the Department of Philosophy, University of Lagos is one of the oldest Philosophy Departments in Nigeria. During the first few years, following its establishment, only few students read Philosophy since Philosophy was a new academic discipline in the country and students were wondering what they could do later as Philosophy graduates. Overtime, however, the discipline became popular and increasing number of Students began to show interest in it. From about 1977 up to 1985 the Department graduated an average of one hundred Students every year, the largest by any single Philosophy Department in the country.

Ours is certainly the Department that has produced the greatest number of Philosophy graduates in this country. Our graduates are working in the various sectors of the economy in Nigeria – in the civil service, in private companies, in the banks, in the News Media, in secondary and tertiary institutions. Presently the Department operates a four year degree programme for the B.A. degree in Philosophy, and a Postgraduate Programme for M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees in Philosophy.


Faculty Of Arts

University Of Lagos